Waltz for the Old World
by Andrew Machum & Olivia Tharme
March 28th 2020, Westmount Presbyterian Church Session Meeting: closing prayer
by Lela Burt
“Amidst this fear though, I think we are all discovering a new depth to our lives. We put on hold our consumerist and productivity focused ways of living, and for once choose life. We choose family. We choose silence. We choose isolation, and in doing so we choose each other. This collective response and willingness to disrupt routine, habit, and our own personal schedules shows us the power of community. The power of unity. The power of love.” –March 22nd 2020 (partial journal entry) - Lela Burt
by Joshua Thompson-Persaud
hey, sorry i missed your call
the coffee maker was dripping
its monotonous song
and i had to stare
blankly into the black space
wow, it’s been so long
since we talked, i meant
to get back to you, but
i went for a brisk walk
and i’ve become sooo lost
good to hear from you!
these are strange times
indeed, just yesterday
i forgot the faint stranger
in the mirror, how quaint
are you up?
i’ve been thinking...
i need some help
we should definitely
grab a drink
have a smoke
hug for awhile
pick up dinner
see a movie
hit the beach
when this is all over
this is all over
all over
"This experience has taught me to appreciate every scene partner, audience member, and barbershop. I will never take you for granted every again." - Jack Copland
by Sydney Brooman and Martina Delisle
"Telephone is an intergenerational photo series that connects the separate, subjective, personal spaces of a mother and daughter living in different cities during the COVID-19 Pandemic."
Photography and Short Film by João Santos
"His work is autobiographical by nomadism, travel and drift. It is in a constant attempt to build new ways of seeing reality and the scenarios that are presented. It seeks to photograph what has been forgotten, rejected or left suspended. Feels particularly interested by everyday themes, the economic crisis, instability, uncertainty, moments and people who do not belong to history, the rejected ones, a kind of forgotten heroes."
21st Century
by Manasvini
Far Away Visits by Jocelyn June
Screenshot in Greyscale:
Talking With Oma (Left)
Screenshot in Greyscale:
Talking With Grandpa (Above)
Screenshot in Greyscale:
Dinner With Great-Grandma (Above)
by Josette Joseph
by Vanshika Dhawan
How Do You Acting School When Coronavirus
by Sarah Gervais
Laundry Day
by Kristi Boulton
Morgan and his little sister Rabbit
by Jessica Le
Friendship Love Letters to Camille
by Zayn Ojoawo
Watching The World
Go By With Daddy
by Jocelyn June
A Letter To Myself Beyond Covid-19
by Sarah Minos